Nature Bags are carbon negative, and throughout the process of getting the bags from the remote artisan villages to buyers all over the world, the JungleVine Foundation strives to keep their carbon footprint as tiny as possible. Here is how we keep JungleVine® Products Net Zero.
I won my junior high school poster contest celebrating the first Earth Day. I've recycled for over 20 years. I follow family members around the house turning off lights and adjusting the thermostat. Those are just some of my bona fides as a suburban mom concerned about the environment who preaches (and practices) “Reduce, Reuse, And Recycle”. Therefore it was quite disconcerting to learn that my disgust for disposable plastic bags and support for banning them may be misplaced. Not that those annoying, flimsy plastic receptacles are good for much other than lining the pockets of those who make them. Au contraire. For one thing there are far too many of them – between 200 and 300 million bags...